A convertible mortgage is an agreement made at the beginning of a term that allows homeowners to change the type of mortgage they hold during its term.
A convertible mortgage is an agreement made at the beginning of a term that allows homeowners to change the type of mortgage they hold during its term. If a homeowner wants to start with an open mortgage and then lock into a closed mortgage, a convertible mortgage is the right choice. It offers lower rates than an open mortgage and has the option of switching to a closed term. A conversion to a fixed rate mortgage can also be done by most lenders when the borrower has originally selected a variable rate mortgage and now wishes to move to a fixed rate before the end of the term.
Use our Mission35 Mortgage Calculator below to calculate an estimation of your monthly payment based on your home's value and your down payment. Don't settle for an estimation, let us crunch the hard numbers, understand the smaller details and get you the best possible rate as well as mazimize your budget and confirm your actual budget.